New evidence connecting numerous wrongful convictions to serial killer Edward Wayne Edwards

Wrongly Convicted Group Website

The case of Elizabeth Short ( the “Black Dahlia” ) murdered in January 1947 turns out to be a key piece in a complex puzzle of evidence connecting serial killer Edward Wayne Edwards to multiple wrongful convictions. This was first documented in a book by John Cameron “IT’S ME, Edward Wayne Edwards, the Serial Killer You Never Heard Of”. This article seeks to give an overview of these cases, and to explain further evidence discovered since Cameron’s book was published, which adds significant confirmation, especially a new witness who encountered Edwards in the first few months of 1971.


Josephine Ross, Frances Brown and Suzanne Degnan
( William Heirens convicted )

On June 5, 1945, 43-year-old Josephine Ross was found dead in her apartment at 4108 North Kenmore Avenue, Chicago. She had been repeatedly stabbed, and her head was wrapped in a dress. She was presumed to have surprised…

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