Jodi Arias Witness : “Child porn popped up, Alexander’s name on file”

Same witness claims when he opened download file of communal computer at bishop’s house, child porn popped up, Alexander’s name on file. ( … 3481608194 )

Witness says in affidavit he took Alexander out to car to talk to him about the child porn and Alexander said he had been abused at age 12.  ( … 8420862978 )

Geffner looks at an affadivit is which witness claimed to see Alexander holding Deanna Reed down on a couch.

According to witness affidavit, Alexander screaming, “get it through your f-ing head, I’m not going to marry you.”


Defense witness Dr. Robert Geffner testified. He spent most of the day dissecting the victim’s Travis Alexander’s attitude towards women. Geffner testified Alexander showed patterns of exploitation and manipulation. According to the defense, Alexander was involved with multiple women at the same time. Geffner said Alexander told women he was a 30-year-old virgin to coerce them to sleep with him. This is a text message Alexander sent another woman about Arias back in 2007.

“It is a lose-lose situation. If I avoid her I deal with lots of tears. So I deal with it. Don’t get me wrong. She is an amazing girl. A better person than me but we are not right for each other. I don’t think she has that entirely figured out. It’s a tough spot to be in.”

Jodi in court on 20 January, 2015

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One thought on “Jodi Arias Witness : “Child porn popped up, Alexander’s name on file””

  1. Note that Witness 1 had not been using that computer before. The Bishop had taken photographs of Witness1 and fiancee for invitations to their wedding. The Bishop had loaded them on to his own computer. Witness 1 therefore accidentally opened Travis Alexander’s file. Saw what was on it, confronted Alexander and dropped the issue when Alexander promised to discuss his problem with the Bishop and get help.
    He did not, as some people suggested, use that computer for other purposes than to get his photos. When the computer crashed, he lost his photos and was delayed in getting his wedding invitations out.

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