Jodi Arias Retrial – Dr Geffner Testimony

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Monday 15 December 2014

Dr. Geffner is a licensed psychologist, and a president of Institute of Violence, Abuse and Trauma in San Diego

Dr. Robert Geffner-licensed psychologist specializing in “violence, abuse and trauma

During Dr. Geffner’s research he found a big connection between child abuse and domestic violence victims

Dr. Geffner in mid 90s he trained judges on dynamics of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault

At this rate Dr. Geffner is going to fill up the entire day telling jurors about his résumé

Dr. Geffner says he first started testifying in court about 30 years ago

Dr. Geffner is still testifying about his credentials…40 minutes so far

#JodiArias witness Dr Geffner took stand nearly 40 minutes ago. Still explaining expertise. Confirms both civil & criminal, def & pros

Dr Geffner: We charge on sliding scale. Typically $250hr. He’s on salary though. Any pay for case involvement goes to his institute not him.

In a Tennessee child abuse case, a Judge called Geffner “a hired gun”

#JodiArias witness Dr Geffner explaining he had a bad experience w/ a judge while testifying in TN years ago. TN judge called Geffner “hired gun”. #JodiArias witness says was only time in 30 yrs testifying a judge has called him a name. #JodiArias atty asks Geffner what happened to that judge? Sidebar. Jury sent to recess. (Cont) jury leaves, #JodiArias witness now center of direct & cross about what happened to TN judge. ?s whether that TN judge was removed.

Pros Martinez grilling Geffner over what he heard about judge. Judge Stephens overrules objection by Martinez.  Judge Stephens overruling objection to TN judge background sets stage for post recess testimony. Court takes a break.

Geffner explains he heard TN judge was forced to resign. Pros Martinez jumping in w/ objections. Now sidebar

Dr. Geffner says he has testified in over 300 cases, taking place in about 40-41 states

Geffner has done well over 300 cases in hella states. He is not aware of any other judge making a negative comment about him

Dr. G says he first got involved in the #jodiarias case about 2 years ago, in regards to dealing with another expert.

Geffner says he never did any testing of his own in regards to #jodiariascase, never met or diagnosed JA at that time.

Dr. Geffner says he was then review some of the issues in the case regarding TA’s death and autopsy and the way the brain functions.

Dr. G was then asked to do a full review, interview #jodiarias and see if he can come up w/ diagnosis.

Dr. Geffner says evaluated case like that of #jodiarias is like putting together “jig saw puzzle”

#JodiArias jury members write as Dr Geffner explains testing techniques that can point to a subject’s truthfulness.

Geffner explaining process and tests used to psychologically analyze a person

Affable Dr. Geffner has a very polished and smooth presentation. He’s testified many times.

Now Dr. Geffner explains to jury MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) psychological test

Geffner calls MMPI: Mmpi “oldest most validated personality inventory in the field”. State witness Dr DeMarte tested #JodiArias in 2011

Dr. G talking about various #jodiarias test results, which show that JA doesn’t trust people has severe depression.

Geffner explains the testing saying #JodiArias suffers from clinical anxiety, depression and low self-esteem

Dr Geffner: #JodiArias MMPI elevated for: Anxiety, Depression, Bizarre thinking & thoughts (Could be flashbacks) and low self esteem.

#JodiArias MMPI registered low for “anger” according to Dr Geffner.

Dr. G continues w/ test results. #jodiarias was not an angry person, no more than average. Also, no pattern of doing things against the law

#JodiArias judge calls for lunch recess until 1:25pm

Ok … taking over for @chriswnews in the #JodiArias re-sentencing trial. Will resume at 1:25 p.m.

Dr. Robert Geffner on stand in #JodiArias trial. He’s talking about extremely low ego strength.

Geffner This is not a test to diagnose psychological disorder, rather it gives you hypothesis to look fo

Back with PM session. Dr. Geffner says #jodiarias tested submissive and eager to please others on psychological tests.

Dr. Geffner says MMPI shows #jodiarias to be “submissive” person who “likes to please others”-generally not angry or hostile”

#JodiArias trial psychologist explaining she is much more submissive and tries to please others, not angry or hostile person.

#JodiArias psychologist on stand says she is introverted, could have bizarre thinking and thoughts. Could be weird dreams or flashbacks.

#JodiArias psychologist says she is not generally an angry or hostile person according to a few scales they’ve looked at.

So it’s a mixture of submissiveness and bizarre thinking w/#jodiarias: Dr. Geffner.

“Self esteem a real issue” Dr. Geffner says of #jodiarias MMPI test

Looking at add’l sub-scales w/ psychologist in #JodiArias trial. Says she is severely depressed, but others might or might not notice

#JodiArias has subjective depression that affects her body, feels apathetic, not much energy, brooding

Geffner: she feels alienated from other people and herself, major family and authority problems

paranoia subscales- she really feels like people are out to get her score of 100

She feels no control over who she is where she is going, feels alienated from herself and others. – #jodiarias psychologist

When asked if results are bc of conviction, psychologist in #jodiarias trial says isn’t bc of particular sit, more of personality issue.

We just know there’s a bunch of red flags we need to explore. – #jodiariaspsychologist

The MMPI does not diagnose personality disorders but it diagnoses personality in genera

MCMI test #JodiArias scores normal range for antisocial dependent avoidance, doesn’t reach close to clinical range.

According to Geff, some of these Qs determine whether or not the client is manipulating the test for specific answers. “#jodiarias did not.”

Jeffrey Evan Gold@jeffgoldesq
#JodiArias DrG is now saying another test says Jodi is nervous and depressed and maybe PTSD. Need to look further

Only thing that’s consistent between two test at this point is anxiety and PTSD for #jodiarias – psychologist

#jodiarias given TSI in 2010 and 2011. Psychologist on stand talking about reviewing the first one.

Dissociation: blanking, blocking out don’t want to deal w/ unpleasant situations #jodiarias ranks high according to psychologist.

Dissociation is more of an unconscious process – #JodiArias scored an 89

Psychologist says #jodiarias now realizing her dysfunctional sexual behavior in a TSI test given 18 mo after the initial one.

Psychologist says trauma is still a major factor, says its complex situation as person retrospectively look back.

TSI-2 administered to #JodiArias October 9, 2013. This is 5 years from when Arias was arrested & 2 years from when a test was administered

Back in session, discussing TSI-2 test administered in 2013 to #jodiarias. Highest elevation suicidal thoughts.

Dissociation still relatively high level on this TSI-2 test a year ago for#jodiarias, not in middle of trial and years after arrests.

#jodiarias summary on TSI-2 test. Almost at clinical level, traumatic symptoms, shows up as highest summary score.

#jodiarias suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression says Dr.Geffner

Psychologist in #jodiarias trial says they have 12 binders, double-sided from prior court case, testimony, experts they’ve reviewed.

Geff says he’s a fact finder, not there to help #JodiArias or hold her hand

Psychologist in stand: #jodiarias’ “malingering” score–signs she’s trying to fake sickness–very low.

Evening recess for #jodiarias trial. Return tomorrow at 9:30.

16 December 2014

The Geff is explaining why he gave #JodiArias multiple tests. She was in jail for 5 years so she needed some extree testin’

“She has had lots of different traumas from childhood on” Dr. Geffner says of #jodiarias

Dr. Geffner says #jodiarias’ “suicidality” was elevated because she suffered from PTSD

Dr. Geffner says #jodiarias has “chronic PTSD”

Geffner discussing Arias claims of being abused by parents, abused by 1st boyfriend and knife held to throat

“She was significantly suicidal” at times in her life-Dr. Geffner says of#jodiarias

Dr. Geffner: most people survive abusive parents but not all: “jodiarias is that person who doesn’t survive it, so cd. turn violent.

Jennifer puts up a slide, definitions, distinction between abuse and aggression. Yellow text on black bg.

Dr. Geffner talking about “power & control” in terms domestic violence

Psychologist: Depression is a major issue with #jodiarias, probably longstanding. Also anxiety and dissociation.

Dr. Geffner: Personality disorders are not easily changeable. Could be genetic, stem from childhood. Out of person’s control.

Moving onto depression inventory. Psychologist: The classifications are no, mild, moderate or severe. #jodiarias is considered severe.

Dr. Geffner: In general this person (#jodiarias) has thought about suicide

Dr. Geffner: #jodiarias ranks low on aggressiveness, says yet another test

#jodiarias ranks high on validity scale–meaning she’s not trying to distort her responses during testing, says psychologist on stand.

17 December 2014

#jodiarias trial back in session. Defense questioning psychologist Dr. Robert Geffner. Describing jodi’s abusive 1st relationship.

A photo of #JodiArias and Bobby Juarez is put up. Geff continues to describe the abuse etc.

Geffner says Juarez came out of the house with a “samurai sword” swinging at people during another instance

photo up on the big screen wasn’t inntroduced at trial. Says “Jodi and Matt McCartney”, they’re sitting in a seashell…

The point of this testimony is to show #jodiarias was in other relationships that didn’t end in murder. So jurors wonder about TA.

Dr. Geffner describes #jodiarias as “quite creative” w/ interests in “art & photography

Geffner tells jurors that some of #jodiarias old friends thought she was “bi-polar

Out of the sizzle. Geff explains that Matts description of #JodiArias included “she wasn’t manipulative, not aggressive or abusive”

Geffner says people told him #JodiArias had rapid mood swings. McCartney said she wasn’t manipulative or angry.

#jodiarias had rapid mood swings according to people around her. Matt described JA as not being aggressive, wasn’t manipulative.

Geffner tells jurors #jodiarias does not have pattern of “aggressiveness” or “hostility”& “wasn’t manipulative”

Dr. Geffner describes #jodiarias’ relationship with Darryl Brewer. She lived with him and they parted amicably.

Wilmott questioning Geffner’s methodology. Geffner says he interviewed 10 people

Another bullet point list of Darryl Brewer’s feelings about #JodiArias is put up. Jodi looks great on paper

Geffner says former #jodiarias boyfriend D. Brewer described JA as “loving and kind person”

Geffner says #jodiarias “changed hair color & had breast augmentation” during D. Brewer relationship-trying to please

One point up on the big screen: Matt kept gas can in the car in case he ran out in the desert. hasn’t been brought up yet

My bad, that gas can thing was Darryl not Mat

Geffner says he doesn’t see #JodiArias past relationships ending up on the power and conntrol wheel

another interview from a former coworker. Says #JodiArias was “incredible person to be around”

Some statements from co-workers of #JodiArias at Ventanna Inn are up and Geff continues to point out how amazing she was.

Coworker: “I’m a pretty handsome guy and she never came onto me.” — who says this??

Dr. Geffner says #jodiarias changed her hairstyle, interests, had breast augmentation surgery to try to win love in her relationships

to clarify: these are note written from interivews with people, not video interviews.

Geffner reading another interview describing #JodiArias as nice, respectful, like a little sister. “brainwashed by #TravisAlexander ”

Geffner has a timeline of #JodiArias relationship with #TravisAlexander

JW asks if #JodiArias met TA at a PPL conference. Juan objects, leading. Feisty. Geff says TA walked across room to introduce himself 2 JA

According to Geff, TA proceeded to instigate additional meetings. VIP dinner with exclusive seating for PPL power players

Dr. Geffner now telling jurors how TA introduced himself to #jodiarias at convention in Vegas-“he initiated contact”

Point being TA pursued #JodiArias. She promptly breaks up with her live-in boyfriend.

Geffner’s timeline includes #JodiArias getting a Book of Mormon and giving oral sex in a 30 day period.

#jodiarias and Travis Alexander within a month were involved with Book of Mormon and oral sex, Dr. Geffner says. Calls it “mixed message.”

On the map we discuss a weekend trip in October where they “rent a hotel room.” Geff says TA didn’t talk to #jodiarias for 3 days after sex.

Geff says this is a mixed message. She was not in control of the relationship and it psychologically devastated her

“Within 2 months of meeting he’s now sexting. He’s sending pictures of his penis to her.” – Geff on TA.

TA starts “sexting”-sending JA photos of private parts & then baptizing her into Mormon Church

#JodiArias baptism pic up as Geffner talks about #TravisAlexander having anal sex with her

Baptism followed by anal sex re: #jodiarias & Travis Alexander: Dr. Geffner says “That is as strong a mixed message as you can get.”

Dr. Geffner says #jodiarias was baptized to please TA. He also talks about the confusion over their relationship.

After regular contact & sex… Geff says TA told #JodiArias to date other people. Geff says JA was confused & blamed herself.

12/2006 #TravisAlexander told #JodiArias to date other people. Arias thought it was her fault.

On screen, email from #JodiArias LONG EMAIL, asking where they stood. Says they are physically attracted to each other.

Geff repeatedly accuses TA of being manipulative.

Dr. Geffner is basically repeating Dr. LC Fonseca’s testimony: TA manipulated #jodiarias. Defense team constructing narrative for jury.

Geffner saying #TravisAlexander positioned himself as in control of the relationship and #JodiArias history made that a problem

Geff now fixates on the worst quotes from the Chris & Sky Hughes emails. Terrible quotes blown up on screen

Geff reiterates to jury that Chris Hughes is a MALE & a friend of TA’s not#JodiArias. Geff calls the email “a warning.”

Willmott trying to introduce a follow up email involving Chris/Sky Hughes, TA, & #JodiArias. Juan objects, & loses.

Geff & Willmont tag team read a sappy email where #JodiArias says to TA that The Hughes were trying to tear them apart.

Geffner says it’s important info for 4 him bc the Hughes aren’t #JodiAriasfriend but #TravisAlexander. Powerful bc they have no obligation

Geffner says #JodiArias wouldn’t know she was under #TravisAlexander’s control. Would have been shocked if someone had pointed it out to her

Judge SS Calls afternoon recess. Counsel called to chambers.

Geffner talking about #JodiArias saying #TravisAlexander had sex with her while she was asleep.

Geffner says #TravisAlexander connvinced #JodiArias that oral and anal was not against Mormon religion.

Dr. Geffner: Travis Alexander told #jodiarias oral and anal sex did not violate Mormon tenets against premarital sex.

Geffner says this is #TravisAlexander puttinng up boundaries around#JodiArias . Not seeing other guys, sex while asleep, etc

Willmott is introducing the court to #JodiArias journals now. Geff explains why they were important to him.

Wilmott goinng through #JodiArias journals about #TravisAlexander . Entry says she doesn’t know if TA loves her like she loves him.

Looking at June 5 2007 – on #JodiArias’ journaling per Geff, “She’s pretty disciplined about journaling daily.”

Willmott and Geffner going to #jodiarias journal entries about TA. She writes, she’s hopeful of their relationship.

6/10/07 – #JodiArias says TA is so wonderful in every way.

7/25/07 – #JodiArias journals re TA not returning her calls for 2hrs. TA has said he loves her by this point & has convinced her to move.

Geff says TA is controlling bc he called #JodiArias & convinced her to leave a baseball game w/a gf to take him out for his bday.

7/14 #JodiArias Excited to see him. 7/25 Uncertain. Geff says this is the analogy of the brain vs. the heart. Her emotions being yo-yo’d

8/13/07 – #JodiArias says she is suspicious of TA when he is kind to her. She says she feels broken. He texted her to see how her day was.

#jodiarias writes in her jounal, “I’m on verge of pushing him (TA) out of my life.”

I believe we’re in September or October of 2007 – #JodiArias’ entry is so unusually detailed re a day spent with TA. Hiding from Deanna.

Wrong, it was 8/19 they spent 16hrs together & hid from Deanna

8/24/07 – #JodiArias spent most of the day at T Dog’s. They made out & she gave him a mini massage.

8/26/07 – #JodiArias writes that she loves Travis so completely.

9/23/07 – #JodiArias back to suicidal thoughts. She considers herself weak & asks where her faith runs off to during “these dark times.”

10/6/07 – #JodiArias says she “is praying for Deanna Ried (Reid?)”

In a journal entry from 9/23/07 #jodiarias wrote she seriously contemplated committing suicide that afternoon, and wondered about her faith.

10/23/07 – #JodiArias says she’s depressed & listening to music. Travis called so she can’t even finish the entry

10/27/07: #jodiarias writes she doesn’t need to be on suicide watch, but she hasn’t felt so broken since 1998.

10/29-10/30 – #JodiArias claims TA forced her to tear pages from her diary. Fight ensues. Makeup sex follows. According to journal.

Geffner says there was a physical incident where #TravisAlexander pushed#JodiArias down

Judge calls evening recess. Court is back in session tomorrow 9am. 30 minutes earlier than usual.

18 December 2014

Wilmott puts off the journals and goes to the judge that criticzed Geffner.

Jennifer was talking about two other cases and she and Geff point out that nothing negative was said about him

Geffner says appellate court judge found no problems with his testimony.

Geffner’s explaining his affidavit in one case was flawed because he didn’t have time and wasn’t given accurate info. Court ruled it out.

ex 791 is up on the monitors showing the end of oct 2007 where a 2nd physical abuse incident happened

#jodiarias describes TA visiting her while her roommates were asleep, says:”He brought me a treat. I gave him a treat. It was a fair trade.”

#jodiarias journal statements fluctuate wildly between optimistic views of Travis and then bleak accounts of a relationship going nowhere.

Wilmott’s reading from the journal…lots of stuff about arguing with#TravisAlexander and reading the bible

#jodiarias says in journal: “writing things down helps me process complicated, emotionally wrenching situations.”

#JodiArias lives by the Laws of Attraction…whatever that is. Apparently it means not writing down negative things.

Now moving on to Nov. 6 2007 journal entry. #JodiArias is talking about not being able to accept TA as her husband.

#jodiarias writes in Journal: TA thinks I would say yes in a second, if he popped the questions. She writes that is not true

#jodiarias: says something like “a major courting (w/Travis) would have to occur before I could get married and sealed in the Gospel.”

#jodiarias says “I’ve got to get out of here,’ but expert says she just couldn’t pull herself away.

#JodiArias write she “omitted much” because there was nothing positive to write.

“Submerged in negativity” #jodiarias writes in journal about toxic sex/religion relationship w/TA

Dr. Geffner: it’s like #jodiarias’ heart is arguing with her brain.

More journal action. Nov 19th 2007. #JodiArias talking about TA’s grandmother who is ill.

#jodiarias writes in another journal entry, she has no one to talk to.

Dr. Geffner: #jodiarias finds herself isolated; can’t see Travis, her own family is dysfunctional, no friends around.

“I feel like a freaking wizard right now! And I owe it all to my loving Father in Heaven.”

#JodiArias writes she has a massive headache. Geffner says that’s because she’s internalizing her problems.

#JodiArias is talking about making xmas presents for TA. She is not happy with her gift making. This shows she is in contact with him.

Dr. Geffner is pouring over #JodiArias journal pointing out signs of a trauma victim

Now we’re looking at a wheel o’ emotions diagram produced by Dr. Geffner to explain #jodiarias’ mood swings

#JodiArias wrote about a “movie headache” but Geffner says this is common in trauma victims who internalize pain & increase w/stress

Wilmott and Geffner going over journal entry where #JodiArias dropped of#TravisAlexander at grandmother’s house but never met her

In entry, #JodiArias writes that she went back to grandmothers home after g’ma went to sleep to cuddle with #TravisAlexander

Geffner says #TravisAlexander had text msg friends #JodiArias wouldn’t leave him alone, but is spending time w/her #JuanMartinez objects

Geffner-while secretly have sex w/jodiarias TA is saying in text to friends nasty things about JA

#JodiArias journal 12/04/07: “I don’t know where it comes from! I must be sick, I just want to die .. how easily I’m swayed 2darkness

Geffner says #JodiArias talks about Cuddling is more what she wants, but sex is more what #TravisAlexander wants & that sets her back

Dr. Geffner says #JodiArias making gift for #TravisAlexander grandmother even though she can’t meet her sets off depression

#JodiArias writes in journal that she called former boyfriend Matt and he tells her she needs to be medicated.

Friend Matt told Jodi he thought she should be medicated, but she wanted natural cure for her feelings of loneliness and despair.

Back from break, back to #jodiarias journal entries: Jodi writes she doesn’t want presents for christmas, she just wants to be happy.

“Dealing w/serious depression-sun shining but it’s a dark day” #jodiariaswrites in journal “really really want to end my life

“his tires were slashed twice in two days which is prob. why he is in a bad mood” writes #JodiArias.

12/8/07 #jodiarias journal entry: JA writes, TA’s tires were slashed, and says she’s going to help him financially anyway she can.

#jodiarias writes about TA’s tires being slashed and according to Geffner JA helped him w/money for tires

“Happy New Years Jodi-I love you” TA texts #jodiarias on N.Y. eve 2008

A check is put up on the screen, from #JodiArias to TA for $699.00 then one from Jan 11th for $100.00. Another for $220.00

Willmott shows jury three checks that #JodiArias deposited into#TravisAlexander bank over a span of time. Total about $1,000

Geffner now testifying #JodiArias told him she walked in on#TravisAlexander masturbating to a boy in underwear.

Geffner says according to #JodiArias, #TravisAlexander cried and admitted to being attracted to children

Conversation becomes an argument that leads to abuse. #JodiArias says he “body slammed” her & kicked her. Her finger is broken as a result

#TravisAlexander apologize and helps her finger. No medical attention sought, no reports of abuse to anyone, Geffner says

January 24, #JodiArias writes “there has been nothing to report”. That’s 2 days after she allegedly caught #TravisAlexander

Geffner tells jurors that soon after there was a second incident of physical abuse where TA allegedly “body slams” #jodiarias

#JodiArias returns to journal and writes, “nothing to report.”

Wilmott claims that’s because she never wrote negative things

Willmott gets Geffner to say pattern of diff in journal and events bc trying to stay positive. Several objections from Martinez

Geffner says #jodiarias was gradually making a break from TA, especially at the intellectual level, as she found about his infidelities.

#JodiArias writes in journal that she was “squeezed dry” by#TravisAlexander because she had drained her bank account for him

#JodiArias writes that she continues to give TA money for his mortgage. She writes that she is concerned for him bc he is stressed

Geffner says this is a point where #JodiArias breaks her rule of writing only positive. But she focuses on TA’s need and health, he says.

The progress #JodiArias made has been reversed as she is “sucked back in,” Geffner says. He says the emotions overtook intellect

Geffner talking about a cycle of fighting, money, getting back together, happy, sad, repeat.

“Really sad cycle they are both in-really unhealthy” Geffner’s description of TA & #jodiarias relationship in early 2008

Geffner says TA also asked other women for money and asked for same thing. Martinez objects relevance – sidebar

On the timeline: Feb 1, TA tells #JodiArias he wants to get a gun and kill himself. Arias is crying per journal entry.

Time for the noon recess. Short lunch break today, only an hour. Back here at 1pm today

Wilmott asking if Geffner is diagnosing #TravisAlexander. He says no, certainly not intending to

Geffner says he uses those texts, etc to determine the nature of the relationship. “There’s no such diagnosis as manipulation”

Back in session. Jury seated. Dr. Geffner back on stand

Geffner says there was constant contact between #JodiArias and TA. There was “no real break” he says.

Geffner says #JodiArias depression improving toward 2/2006 “if it could stay there we’d be fine but obviously we aren’t.”

The tootsie pop session…#JodiArias calls it closure bc #TravisAlexanderlikes a girl named Mimi

#JodiArias writes in Feb. 2008 journal that they has closure with sex. “No one has to know about our torrid love affair,” she wrote

Next entry, #JodiArias is looking forward to a date with another guy named Sam

At this time, TA had another woman in his life, according to #JodiAriasjournal. She writes that she is happy for TA and his “fresh” start.
#JodiArias met someone else as well in Feb. ’08. Geffner says, there’s a picture of closure based on journals – yet TA gives her a hard time

Timeline reads March 1, 08 #TravisAlexander backhands #JodiArias when she says she’s moving back to Yreka.

Willmott shows jury email exchange b/w #JodiArias and TA, where she writes that “no matter what happens we will always have our friendship”

#JodiArias also writes that she has “unconditional love” for him. He replies saying that her msg “choked him up” & acknowledges good times

Geffner says this exchange is the perfect example of positive closure between #JodiArias and TA

Geffner brings up next physical abuse, Martinez objects, sidebar

#JodiArias write that she fell asleep at TA’s house while cleaning, while he was on his third date with his new girlfriend

Willmott reads from journal of #JodiArias dying hair back to brunette. Geffner says writing about that and moving back to CA is positive

In #jodiarias journal entries from March – she never mentions. Geffner says it’s common to not mention violent incidents.

Geffner says #JodiArias is trying to connvince herself that leavinng is the best thing for her to do.

Geffner: As a psychologist this is where i get concerned because there’s no break.

Geffner “I wanted to go in there and say, get out! leave!”

#JodiArias writes about a trip to Okla. and says they “bonded more.” Geffner says they shouldn’t be bonding more if they want a break.

Geffner says they broke up, then didn’t, then went on trips, then fought, then hung out

Willmott shows texts to jury, #JodiArias texts TA “I’m definitely a brunette now, there’s no going back.” TA writes that he likes the blond

#JodiArias says in her journal that TA felt like Mimi was “his one.”

“Wow, it’s tough to say no to Travis,” #JodiArias writes in journal. She writes she spent 3 days in a row w him and they had sex.

3/27/08: #jodiarias writes, it’s hard for her to say no to TA, she wants him to be happy. Geffner says her focus is TA and his happiness.

Geffner: Why are they wanting to hook up again if Travis is with someone?

“If you are tired of me, leave me alone,” TA says. “Whatever,” she replies.

TA texts #JodiArias and says he never wants to hear from her unless she apologizes to him for stressing him out. Later she apologizes.

Journal entry 3/31/08 #JodiArias writes that TA texted her saying that he should have treated her better

Willmart trying to prove legitimacy of journal by saying that text messages match journal entries.

Wilmott pairs up the journal entries with the text messages for verification. Geffner says he used them to verify info

TA admits to #JodiArias involvement w other women other than his current gf. Correspondence show they didn’t know (cont)

(cont) TA was still involved with #JodiArias. He was talking bad about her, Geffner says. Martinez objects, overruled.

Geffner says a 5th incident of physical abuse occurred in April 1, 2008 according to his review of records & interviews

TA body slams #JodiArias, gets on top of her and chokes her till she passes out, Geffner says.

Geffner says the timing of all these alleged abuse instances increases in frequency

Jury seated. Geffner says a the breaking-up period can be the most dangerous in abusive relationships.

Geffner says in domestic violence situations, an individual can lash out when someone says they are leaving.

4/4/08 email from #JodiArias to TA shown to jury. Subject line: goodbye. “I know I’m making the right decision,” she writes.

E-mail/Subject: Good bye from #JodiArias to TA. 4/4/08 – Jodi break up email to TA saying she’s hindered their spirituality.

“Will I miss you? You bet,” she says in email to TA. “We both stretched this out far too long”

#jodiarias in journal in April 2008 says goodbye to Travis again but says he is persistent and I keep giving in to him

In another journal entry #jodiarias writes: It’s hard to say goodbye… but I already feel better about this decision.

long text from #TravisAlexander accusinng #JodiArias of lying about something. No response from #JodiArias

TA texted #JodiArias accusing her of lying and says not to texts him unless she has info. “You have till tomorrow,” he writes

“Either fess up or feel the wrath” TA writes to #JodiArias. “After tomorrow it’s going to get really bad for you. It’s time to spit it out.”

I believe what I’m reading is TA is angry bc #JodiArias left something he’d given her behind. TA upset that he tried to do something nice.

#JodiArias writes in journal one week after moving to CA. She writes that the past 8 months was a fog, Willmott reads.

In journal entry in April 2008 #jodiarias seems to have put Travis in her rear-view mirror as she describes life back in California.

#JodiArias and TA continue to argue in 4/19/08 texts. According to texts, JA began to insult TA and he hung up on her

#jodiarias and TA are arguing in the texts Willmott is reading through dated 4/19/08. Jodi at this time is living in California.

Apparently #JodiArias told TA he was long winded & took too long to make his point on stage. Text fight ensues.

TA is also angry bc he requested #JodiArias send him “a dozen or so pix out of 500” & JA did something w/her cousin instead of sending pix.

April 19, 2008 #jodiarias and TA texting furiously back and forth exchanging heated words. Getting ugly.

Geffner says tone of messages is worrisome. He tells jury he interpreted them to be one-sided where TA doesn’t apologize but #JodiArias did

TA texts #JodiArias that his night out at a club gave him the conclusion that she is still “the prettiest girl on the planet.”

4/24/08 TA requests a dirrrrty picture.

#JodiArias : “It’s nearly immpossible to say no to his persuasion. he’s my kryptonite.”

April and May journal entries show that #JodiArias started to date other men and that her art got accepted in a gallery

May entry shows that TA is coming to visit #JodiArias in CA and she writes that she is concerned bc TA is so convincing. Red flag – Geffner

#TravisAlexander says fights start when #JodiArias doesn’t let go of things

Willmott reads from Google chat messages between #JodiArias and TA discussing their fights. She says she starts them but that TA induces

TA: I don’t think there’s a sexual equivalent out there…” #JodiArias “yes there is, Adriana Lima.”

Travis message to #jodiarias: “I don’t know if I could be satisfied with anyone sexually after you,” then he insults her, says Dr. Geffner.

Geffner says this chat is all about blaming the victim and turning the convo sexual.

“My wit and my sexuality is sometimes my curse,” says #jodiarias in message to Travis Alexander.

TA turns chat sexual and full of insults and compliments, says Geffner. “Sometimes my wit and sexuality can be a curse.” #JodiArias writes

#JodiArias and TA had “phone sex,” says Geffner who reviewed the call. “It’s a recycling of where they were,” he says

Willmott asks Geffner if all of this is #JodiArias getting pulled back in. He says yes.

#JodiArias writes that she wants to see him but that she is concerned that he will be mean. She says it’s her fault & TA promises to be nice

#JodiArias writes in her journal about not being attracted to#TravisAlexander anymore and not wanting to see him in June.

5/9/08 – #JodiArias journals that she is not physically attracted to TA anymore

5/9/08: #jodiarias writes in her journal, she’s not attracted to TA anymore, but he’s still a good friend.

*Correction: Journal entry was from May 18, 2008

#JodiArias mentions in May ’08 journal entry that TA set up a “don’t ask, don’t tell policy” on sharing details with each other.

#JodiArias journals that she doesn’t understand why TA was mad about her logging in to TA’s Facebook bc he gave her the pword awhile ago

now back to the “Cheap whore” chat. Travis accusing #JodiArias of flirting with someone. TA says she’s a “solid form of evil”

5/26/08 – TA calls #jodiarias a “Cheap whore” for flirting w/Danny Jones. “Going on to the next di%^.” JA says it was an Anchorman joke

Geffner says TA calls #jodiarias names if he doesn’t get what he wants.

More Google chats show TA telling #JodiArias he hates her and that she has caused him more pain than the death of his father, she apologizes

TA tells #JodiArias he hates her. Says she pains him more than the death of his Dad. She is sick/evil & she makes him want to kill himself.

TA tells her that she is “the purest form of evil.” And that she is a “rotten lunatic.” Geffner says she kept apologizing.

“Do you know how to tell the truth? Are you capable? Have you ever in your life?” TA asks #JodiArias in Google chat.

TA: your parents must be proud of you #JodiArias : they’re not proud of me no reaction of Arias’s mom in the front row.

TA mocks her for being a high class server that can’t get a job in a diner.

At this point Wilmott’s just reading…it’s a question because she asks Geffner, “does she write X?”

TA accuses #jodiarias of hacking his email & deleting an email to Lisa. Slashing tires. TA calls her the B word.

Geffner says he cont to insult her. “I loved someone that never existed.” TA says. “You stole my letters & you slashed my tires.

Willmott points out in past journal entry that #JodiArias lent TA money for tires and her stun gun while he did a stake out.

Willmott says #JodiArias starts to defend herself. She tells TA: “I may be a liar…I may be evil…But I am not violent.”

Geffner is still talking about the May 26 fight, chat and journal entry.

“I thought we agreed we weren’t going 2 discuss this stuff?” #JodiAriasasked TA according 2 journal. He “pulls the lonely card,” she writes

“His fiery temper” doesn’t mix well with her “tendency to cry at a drop of a hat,” #JodiArias writes in journal

Court adjourned. Trial will return Jan. 5, 2015

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